Baja Californian Governor, Marina del Pilar Ávila Olmeda attended the Extramuros Campaign by Teletón and the State Secretariat of Wellness, which will be treating Baja Californian children and teenagers with disabilities through the Teletón Child Rehabilitation Center (CRIT).
The campaign took place at the Community Center of Valle de Puebla in Mexicali where the governor recognized the work carried out by CRIT staff who, in coordination with the Secretariat led by Netzahualcóyotl Jáuregui Santillán, organized these campaigns which allow more children with disabilities to be reached and treated.

“I want to thank all specialists that carry out medical assessments in pediatrics, nutrition, genetics, physical rehabilitation, pulmonary rehabilitation, psychology, language, and everything related to physical therapy to people of all ages who need it. I know that you put your heart in these campaigns”, the governor stated.

Marina del Pilar also underscored the awareness work that institutions are doing to make people aware about the needs that people with disabilities have, especially in Baja Californian school centers so that they become inclusive schools.

Meanwhile, CRIT Director, Julio Paz Romero revealed that during these training days 80 children were treated of which 44 were new enrollments to the Teletón Foundation, 12 were reactivated, and 24 are derived from other institutions. He emphasized that some cases are being reviewed so that they can be allowed to be treated at the facilities in Tijuana. It should be noted that in the two days of the Extramuros Campaign more than 178 services were offered, including therapies.

“The state government is completely sensitive to children’s causes,” Paz Romero said in his speech adding that work is being carried out to expand the assistance capability to a thousand children at the facilities.
Marina del Pilar inaugurates outpatient surgery unit
As another item in her agenda, the governor inaugurated an ambulatory surgery unit in the eastern area of Mexicali, which benefits more than 380,000 people and will have a group of specialists of several different branches of medicine.

Governor Marina del Pilar highlighted the ability this medical unit will have to relieve other health institutions such as Mexicali’s General Hospital (HGM). This is a greater benefit for all patients since a surgery done in time and with a correct diagnosis can potentially save a life.

RELATED VIDEO: Marina del Pilar and Fundación Teletón 2022