
Dollar in Mexico: Exchange rate reaches this year’s minimum, the lowest since 2020!

The Mexican peso has appreciated by 3.88%

Have you visited currency exchanges in Tijuana? Then you will know that the dollar is unusually low, because Mexican currency has been one of the most appreciated against the dollar.

On February 26, 2020 the dollar was $19.15, while on December 30, 2020 it was $19.93. This number kept increasing throughout the next year, and on December 30, 2021 it was $20.51, according to data by the Bank of Mexico (BANXICO) . In contrast on November 29, 2022, the rate was $19.26 pesos against the dollar.

According to El Economista, this is because of an increase in remittances flow. What is true is that on Monday, the Mexican peso closed with its greatest value against the dollar before the COVID-19 pandemic and has appreciated by 3.88%.

The last time the dollar was so low occurred in the last week of February 2020, where it managed to reache $18.59, according to data provided by BANXICO.

RELATED VIDEO: Basic basket prices in Tijuana, B.C.


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