Mayor Norma Alicia Bustamante of Mexicali: Fostering a Thriving Maquiladora Industry through Export Growth

Mayor Norma Alicia Bustamante of Mexicali: Fostering a Thriving Maquiladora Industry through Export Growth

Based on information from INEGI, Mexicali's maquiladora industry exports registered an annual growth of 6.7% between January and October 2024.

Por Eric Sanchez el enero 14, 2025

According to data from INEGI, maquiladora industry exports registered an annual growth of 6.7% between January and October 2024 during Mayor Norma Alicia Bustamante of Mexicali’s administration. This is in comparison with the same time period in 2023.

The volume of exports exceeded 57 billion pesos in the first 10 months of the year; another historic record set since INEGI has been recording data from the Baja Californian capital.

Executives consulted by the Bank of Mexico (Banxico) for their third quarter’s regional economy report explained some of the reasons for this boom. They emphasized, for example, export demand climbing for construction products in the United States due to their environmental certifications. Similarly, machinery and equipment manufacturers found strong demand for their products in this country.


For their part, “cement manufacturers reported that demand was boosted by the construction of industrial warehouses for relocation projects in the northwestern part of the country,” Banxico revealed.

Regarding the automotive industry, business sources singled out the continuously increasing demand in the United States for pickup and sports trucks.

Meanwhile, “executives of the food industry that produce flours and soy pasta said that demand remained at high levels, both at a national level and for exports,” Banxico highlighted.

“Regarding sales abroad, they linked their growth in the United States with obtaining the sanitary certificates that permitted an increase in participation in this country’s market,” business executives explained.

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