
Does your back hurt? It could be a herniated disc

Find the ideal treatment without surgery in Tijuana

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Suffering from back pain is a fairly common ailment among the population. It is estimated that in the United States alone about 80% of adults have experienced it at some point and it is one of the main causes of disability in the working population.

If you are one of those people who constantly have pain in that area, you probably have a herniated disc. This occurs when the discs or spongy cushions between the vertebrae become inflamed or rupture, caused by an accident or heavy lifting, and this obviously causes pain by compressing the nerves that pass through the spine. This pain is so intense that it is not only in the back, it can extend to the glutes, hips, legs and can cause numbness and weakness due to compression of important nerves such as the sciatic nerve.

Therefore, it is important to address the root of the problem and know the alternatives for treatment.

A proven option to solve the pain is ozone therapy, since there is a minimally invasive treatment, which relieves the pain caused by the herniated disc, in which the recovery time is very fast, and complications are minimal, such as those that occur in other types of treatments like microsurgery, endoscopic or percutaneous discectomy.

This procedure is called percutaneous discolysis with ozone, it is minimally invasive, in which, under local anesthesia and sedation, ozone is applied with a needle at variable concentrations in the center of the disc through an infiltration guided by X-rays, its volume is reduced, therefore, the compression of the nerves is removed and the pain caused by this is relieved. Current research has proven that regenerative medicine helps to better solve the problem, so in this treatment ozone is combined with the application of platelet-rich plasma, and that is how the excellent result is obtained.

In Tijuana there is a center called Ozonomedik, with the experience of 20 years and in which more than 3 thousand patients have been successfully treated with this procedure. The success rate is around 75 to 89%, so this therapy represents the most chosen treatment by patients and has the great potential to change the lives of countless patients with back and leg pain.

Among the benefits of ozone therapy, which include the short hospital stay, the speedy recovery and the much lower cost than surgery, Dr. Ana Laura Marquez has extensive experience in this treatment, having achieved success in resolving pain caused by herniated discs.

People interested in trying the treatment and stopping pain can call 664-684-06-06 or 664-684-12-12. More information can be requested at, at the website and on social media. Look for them on Facebook as Ozono Medik and on Instagram as Ozonomedik.


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