
Municipal Administration of Tijuana invites citizens to download Civil Protection's digital family plan

Citizens should download this family plan

The Municipal Administration of Tijuana, through the Municipal Agency of Civil Protection (PC), invites citizens to download the Family Plan Digital Guide so that they learn the recommendations to follow before, during, and after an emergency or natural disaster.

After the state earthquake drill, the Municipal Government recommends creating a preventive plan for any emergency or incident based on the specific needs of each family, the number of members, and the residential area's characteristics.

In this digital document, one can check out the steps to create Civil Protection's Family Plan where each member of the family must have a task, which is why this agency is encouraging citizens to download this practical guide on the following link:

This prevention plan can be carried out in 4 steps:

Detect and reduce risks. It consists of checking the state of the home's construction, its installations, and its furniture, as well as nearby dangers in order to resolve the most amount of them possible so that the home becomes safer.

Designing evacuation routes so that family members can have roads of escape and emergency exits. These should be free of obstacles to make exiting and getting away of the risky area much easier and the safest place inside and outside of the house should be marked.

In the third step, several different disaster scenarios should be contemplated (floods, mudslides, fires, earthquakes, among others) and one should analyze which one is the best way to deal with an emergency.

Lastly, periodic evacuation drills are recommended whose goal is to always make you prepared in case of any emergency at any time, so that you can act as fast as possible.

According to this guide, organizing meetings to identify the tasks you will carry out, assigning people to be in charge of each task, and making sure that each member carries out this task is also recommended.

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