
Ashley Jiménez, granddaughter of Julián Leyzaola, gave speech at first binational recognition event in CETYS Mexicali

The ceremony gathered the cross-border community to commemorate the educational achievements of students graduated from Imperial Valley College

Photo by: Imperial Valley College

Last, May 16, Imperial Valley College (IVC), a distinguished public education institution in California made history by carrying out its first Binational Recognition Ceremony at CETYS Universidad Mexicali Campus facilities.

This event provided IVC graduates a unique chance to celebrate their academic achievements with their family and loved ones who, otherwise, wouldn't have been able to attend the graduation ceremony in the United States.

The importance of this ceremony is its inclusive character and the possibility of gathering together the cross-border community to commemorate educational achievements. It carries greater significant due to the recent agreement signed by both institutions last March.

This collaboration approved by the Imperial Community College District's Board of Trustees has as a goal to expand the access to resources for students of both institutions, promoting a relation of education cooperation.

"Today we celebrate our wonderful students and at the same time their families (...) They have traveled a long way to get their degrees, experiencing hard challenges along the way, but they all continue moving forward, and that's why they are here today," stated Superintendent and President for Imperial Community College District, Dr. Lennor Johnson, who also thanked CETYS for their hospitality.

The ceremony had several inspiring speeches by academics and life experience tales by former students and IVC students, who also spoke about the challenges that it means to be a cross-border student.

Photo: Imperial Valley College
Photo: Imperial Valley College

The student speech was made by a graduate of the 2024 generation, Ashely Jiménez Leyzaola, granddaughter of lieutenant colonel Julián Leyzaola, former Secretary of Security of Tijuana, who spoke about the support given by Imperial Valley College regarding diversity and equality issues.

"Where I least expected to find help was at school, because I am not used to have these services accessible to me. IVC really, without exaggerating, changed my life. It has very useful programs for all kinds of people and they help students like no other school," the young woman said.

57 graduated students were given degrees at this event in a ceremony that was carried out in Spanish and had mariachi and a brief reception on the CETYS campus grass.

The decision to have this event take place in Mexicali reflects the importance of celebrating academic landmarks in a context that includes all involved communities.

The collaboration between both education institutions represents a significant step towards the strengthening of the education bonds between California and Baja California, a fact that not only benefits students by providing greater education opportunities, but also contributes to the socioeconomic and cultural development of both regions.

RELATED VIDEO: Higher education promoted in Baja California


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