San Diego

Find out how much dog food you can cross from San Diego to Tijuana without paying taxes

Yes you can cross them, but they must meet certain characteristics

Photo by: Composición creada con foto de Facebook y de Imagen de Ludwig Willimann en Pixabay

Border life has changed in the last year, however, the crossings from San Diego to Tijuana remain open for visitors from the U.S. country or for those with dual citizenship. If any of the above is your case, it is important that you know what products and the amount you are allowed to cross into Mexico.

Due to the current pandemic, many people have decided to buy different products in San Diego in order to sell them to Tijuana residents who cannot cross into the United States. However, many may be illegally crossing large quantities of them, if they do not declare them.

This time we will talk about the amount of dog food you are allowed to cross from San Diego to Tijuana, without paying a tax. Avoid crossing uninformed and know what characteristics it must meet.

According to the National Service of Health, Safety and Agri-Food Quality (Senasica) you can bring into Mexico dog or cat food without meat or bone content from cattle, goats and sheep, it must also be packaged and labeled.

How much can you cross?

Dry balanced food

  • Bulk

Only the daily serving and if accompanied by your dog or cat. If you don't bring your pet, it will not be allowed to cross.

  • Packaging

Unopened packaging, labeled in English or Spanish. Only 50 pounds per family is allowed, or its equivalent in Kg.

Animal treats

  • Bulk

Only the daily serving and if accompanied by your dog or cat. If you do not bring your pet, it will not be Allowed to cross.

  • Packaging

Unopened package, labeled in English or Spanish. Up to 10 pounds or 5 kilograms per person or family. If the packaging is damaged or opened, it will not be allowed to cross.

Wet balanced food

  • Bulk

Only the daily serving and if accompanied by your dog or cat. If you do not bring your pet, it will not be allowed to cross.

  • Packaging

Unopened package, labeled in English or Spanish. Up to 10 pounds or 5 kilograms per person or family. If the package is damaged or opened, you will not be allowed to cross.

RELATED VIDEO: "Una Mordida Tacos Tijuana": Tacos El Gordo



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