
2014 - 2018 National Infrastructure Plan underestimates Port of Ensenada

Ensenada is a global reach port

Ensenada is a global reach port that benefits from its proximity with both the U.S. and the international clients that, through the maquiladora industry, are well established in the State of Baja California. The need for expansion and improvement of its port infrastructure should be a priority, because the described above is one of many revenue streams that would benefit not only the state, but the entire nation, as well.

For this administration, the National Infrastructure Plan (NIP) has more than 63 thousand 287 million pesos aimed for port investment. Following the agenda of 2014, during which 11 thousand 194 million pesos will be channeled towards projects "that will take advantage of Mexico's geographical position" (49.7% of this amount comes from private investment and 50.3% comes from public resources, both fiscal and fromthe Integral Port Administrations). An investment of 200 million pesos is planned for the construction of a model port for boats and/ or cruises in Ensenada, Baja California.

Although the mere fact that Ensenada is included as an investment target in the NIP's 2014 period demonstrates that it is recognized as a focal point for economic development, is it really seen as the potential point that it truly represents and that with the right investment will be able to achieve? Unfortunately, because of an absence of a comprehensive and balanced view between the states farthest from the Republic's capital and the latter, the economic reality that Baja California lives is not always fully understood by those who decide the distribution of budgets. Added to this, Mexico is located at number 64 in terms of efficiency of port infrastructure. That is, a complete lack of long-term planning and project banks and serious locks on the authorization of the budget investment, as well as obsolete laws and regulations.

Although the Secretariat of Communications and Transport's (SCT) Communications and Transport Program talks about the development of ports in both the country's coasts (all this, according to the current trends of shipping), it seems that Ensenada is not properly considered. There's talk about expansion projects and the improvement to give shelter to tourist boats, but will the budget be enough?

During the 11th Latin American Infrastructure Leadership Forum, the industry's representative mentioned that... Continue reading article here

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