Baja California

Here's the Secret Recipe for Caesar Salad

We have the house recipe, can you pull it off?

The internationally famous Caesar Salad was born in Tijuana, at the Caesar's hotel restaurant, making it the stuff of legend for almost a hundred years now. It's been imitated by many, but never equaled.

Well, as spring approaches and the weather is getting warmer (it's already been rather warm, but now it's normal), we've decide to help you enjoy your sunnier days with a little challenge. Here's the original recipe for an authentic Caesar Salad from Tijuana, and let's share it with you, and then tell us how it went in the comments.

Ingredients (serves four)

    20 pieces of Romaine lettuce
    7 oz. extra virgin olive oil
    4 tsp. Lea & Perrins® Worcestershire sauce
    3 tsp. Dijon mustard
    3 tsp. Ground garlic
    1 egg yolk
    3 tsp. lime juice
    A dash of black pepper
    7 tsp. Parmesan cheese
    4 pieces of croutons
    8 tsp. of anchovies

*tsp. are teaspoons, by the way.

How to prepare

In a large wooden bowl, grind the anchovies and mix together with the garlic, pepper and mustard, Worcestershire sauce and lime juice. Once these ingredients are properly blended together, add the egg yolk, giving the dressing texture. We continue to mix and then add the olive oil, lightly whisking the batter until getting the desired volume and texture. Lastly, add a touch of Parmesan cheese.

And that's it, just add it to the lettuce, try it, and tell us how it went.

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