Baja California

Bighorn sheep captured walking in La Rumorosa

The bighorn sheep rested in front of the road and they took the opportunity to capture the moment

Photo by: Captura de Pantalla

The bighorn sheep is the emblematic animal of Baja California and although it is very difficult to encounter one because it is an endangered species and it is very rare that sightings occur and even rarer that they are recorded, a family passing through La Rumorosa was able to capture the moment when one of these animals emerged from the rocks.

Blanca Gómez-Ayub, a Facebook user, shared that they were driving up La Rumorosa when a bighorn sheep came across, fortunately for her there were no cars behind and she was able to stop to appreciate it and capture the moment on video. She said she had always wanted to see one and on Wednesday she was able to.

Here is the video shared from Blanca's social networks, where you can see the bighorn moving among the rocks, only to then place itself right in the center, an excellent view of this iconic animal of the state.

Video Social Media Blanca Gómez-Ayub: Bighorn sheep captured in La Rumorosa


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