
Enjoy the best food only in Ensenada

Gastronomy, culture, and health, all of this and more in the newest episode of Baja Window to the South

On the latest episode of Baja Window to the South, we show you the best places in Ensenada where you can delight your palate, but if you don’t want to go that far and live in Tijuana, we tell you everything you need to know about the arrival of Sabina’s La Guerrerense in the municipality.

In addition, we spoke with the representatives of Fundación Sonriendo Juntos, which is in charge of providing support for teenage mothers. Regarding health, Dr. David Alvarez of ITC tells us about the importance of managing pain.

Last but not least, we remind you that if you’re an American citizen and your baby is born in Mexican territory, they can still go through naturalization and become a US citizen. We’ll tell you all about it here!

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